
Is Your Diagnostic Centre Reliable?

Beware… Your Way to a Diagnostic Centre can be your Way to death too..!!!

The current trend in the health care industry is pushing us to a situation where radiology and the use of corresponding equipment are indispensable for diagnosis. As a result the market is flooded with diagnostic centres. However according to the guidelines set by the apex body Quality Assurance is a must to run any diagnostic centre.

Be assured of Quality and do not compromise on Safety

It is quite shocking that several diagnostic centres fail to get the Quality assurance in Diagnostic radiology on time and this leads to grave risks both for the staff and the patients visiting the diagnostic centre.

Therefore it is prudent to get your tools tested for quality assurance by an authentic QADR service provider so that radiation hazards can be eliminated and more lives could be saved.

Remember Quality Assurance is the need of the hour.

When it comes to Quality Assurance in diagnostic radiology trust only the BEST

The Galaxia is ready…Are You?

Get Sure and Stay Safe

Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Radiology is different from Quality Control

It must be kept in mind that quality assurance is an intact process while Quality Control is just a part of the whole process. Although it is a myth that Quality Assurance and Quality Control are one and the same process yet both are quite different from one another. Certain agencies often mislead organisations and push them towards fatal negligence in the sphere of radiation safety and protection. Therefore, Quality Assurance is the test of the performance of instruments that establishes the acceptability of the instruments and certifies their safety in the medical field.

How Our QADR program is helpful for you?

The main purpose of the Quality Assurance program is to set a safe and secure environment not only for patients undergoing radiation therapy but also for the healthcare professionals attending them.

It cuts down the overall cost and expenditure and secures additional benefits for bothfacilities and the patients.

QADR helps to validate the consistency in equipment performance so that radiationsafety and protection could prevail both inside the facility as well as in the adjacent environment.

It assures high quality image to achieve accurate diagnosis and will help in subsequenttreatment of diseases.

It guarantees that radiation doses involved are kept as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA) so that radiation hazards could be eliminated.