Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Development

Renewable energy sources for sustainable development come from natural and consistent energy flow in the environment. Here is a look at some of the renewable energy sources for sustainable development:

  • Bioenergy: Derived from biological sources, bioenergy can be used to generate electricity, heat, cook, and produce biodiesel for transportation. Bioenergy has great potential to minimize greenhouse emissions and ensure adequate fuel supply in the future.
  • Direct solar energy: Direct solar energy is a term used to describe all renewable energy sources for sustainable development that make use of direct sunlight[1]. Ocean thermal and wind energy leverage solar energy once it is absorbed in the Earth and transformed into other forms. Solar energy makes the use of solar irradiance to produce electricity to meet the lighting needs. Moreover, solar energy is also used to produce fuel that can be leveraged for transportation or other suitable purposes.
  • Hydropower: One of the crucial renewable energy sources for sustainable development, hydropower is generated by manipulating the elevation of water from a higher to a lower level. The energy is harnessed to produce electricity or move turbines. Powered by mature technologies, hydropower does not involve the production of any greenhouse gas and is therefore termed a green source of energy.
  • Wind energy: Ever since the advent of wind energy, it has taken centre stage and become one of the most reliable renewable energy sources for sustainable development. Wind energy focuses on harnessing the kinetic energy from flowing air and is primarily used to move large turbines and produce electricity.
  • Geothermal energy: Acquired from the interior part of our planet as a source of heat, geothermal energy is a reliable renewable energy source for sustainable development. While the Earth’s crust has heat in abundance, the heat is unevenly distributed. The heat is mined from reservoirs with the help of a well or other means. Once the heat reaches the surface, it can be used to produce electricity or for any other purpose that requires heat energy.
  • Tidal energy: Waves on the ocean surface are created with the passage of wind. The higher the intensity of the wind and the longer the intensity is sustained, the energy produced increases significantly. The ocean accounts for 71% of the global surface and has the potential to meet the power requirements of the world population. Energy can be obtained from oceans with the help of thermal differences between shallow and deep seawater, wind, tides, and waves

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